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How Much is a Crown without Insurance?

Posted on April 15th, 2024

You may try to avoid candies and sugary sodas indefinitely, but cavities and tooth decay can sometimes seem inevitable. Unfortunately, untreated cavities can lead to various health issues in the future. The good news is that modern dentistry offers effective solutions like root canals, fillings, and dental crowns to address these concerns.

Dental crowns are a common and effective treatment for correcting tooth decay and other dental damage. However, they come with a hefty price tag, especially when you don’t have insurance coverage.

So, how much is a crown without insurance? And what are some strategies to save money on dental procedures in the future? Keep on reading to know more about the dental crown cost without insurance.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are like protective caps for damaged teeth. They are similar to small hats placed on top of teeth to provide protection, cover, and restore their shape when fillings alone are not enough.

A dentist may reshape a tooth slightly to fit a replacement crown when a tooth is damaged due to decay or injury. This crown is then placed over the reshaped tooth to cover the visible part.

Crowns are necessary to protect weak teeth from further damage, cover teeth that need large fillings, and repair broken teeth. They also play important roles in supporting dental bridges, covering dental implants, and capping teeth after root canal treatments.

If you don’t take good care of your teeth by brushing and flossing regularly, plaque can build up, leading to weakened teeth. This buildup can eventually cause infections in the tooth’s nerve if not treated promptly. To treat decay, the damaged part of the tooth is removed, leaving the inner portions vulnerable. Crowns are then used to cover and protect these vulnerable areas, preventing additional damage.

What Are Crowns Made Of?

Crowns can be crafted from various materials, each offering unique characteristics and suitability for different dental needs.

Metal alloys like gold, palladium, and chromium are among the most common materials used for crowns. These metals are exceptionally durable and resistant to breakage, making them ideal for molars subjected to heavy biting and chewing forces. However, their metallic appearance may not blend well with natural teeth, so they are often recommended for less visible teeth.

Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns combine the durability of metal with a more natural tooth-colored appearance. While these crowns offer good durability and aesthetics, there is a slight risk of the metal base becoming visible over time, and the porcelain coating may chip, revealing the underlying metal.

All-resin crowns are the most budget-friendly option but are also more prone to breakage compared to other materials. All ceramic or all-porcelain crowns are available for a balance of aesthetics and durability. Although not as strong as metal crowns, they offer a tooth-like appearance and are more durable than resin-based crowns. These options provide a natural look while ensuring reasonable longevity.

How much do Dental Crowns Cost?

The cost of a dental crown depends on various factors, such as the material used, the size of the crown, and its location in the mouth. Additional procedures like root canals or fillings before crown placement can also contribute to the overall cost.

Dental insurance coverage offsets some of the expenses associated with dental crown procedures. However, dental insurance plans operate separately from traditional health insurance and typically cover only a portion of the costs. The coverage usually ranges from $400 to $500 for the type of dental crown needed.

Despite insurance coverage, a significant portion of American adults, approximately 33%, lack dental benefits, limiting their access to necessary dental care.

For those without insurance, the out-of-pocket costs for dental crowns can be significant. So, How much is a crown without insurance? On average, a single dental crown can cost between $1,100 and $1,300, depending on the materials used and other factors. Prices may vary based on individual dental practices and geographic locations. On average, the crown can cost anywhere from $1,100 to $1,500 per crown without insurance coverage in Germantown, MD.

How To Afford Dental Crowns Without Insurance?

If you find yourself without dental insurance, you don’t have to forego essential dental care, such as getting a tooth crown. This procedure can save you from needing more invasive treatments like tooth extraction or dentures later on. Thankfully, there are various options and resources available to help individuals without insurance access the dental care they need, including options for obtaining dental crowns.

Dental Discount Plans:

Enroll in a dental discount plan, which offers reduced rates on various dental procedures, including crowns, for a monthly or annual fee.

Payment Plans:

Inquire with your dental provider about payment plans. Many dental offices have flexible payment options that allow you to pay for treatments in installments, making it more manageable financially.

Community Health Clinics:

Explore community health clinics or dental schools in your area. These facilities often provide discounted or low-cost dental services, including crowns, as part of their training programs.

Dental Financing:

Some dental offices offer financing options through third-party providers. These plans allow you to spread out the cost of your dental crown over time with fixed monthly payments.

Negotiate Costs:

Don’t hesitate to discuss costs directly with your dentist. Sometimes, they may offer discounts for paying upfront or be willing to work out a more affordable treatment plan for you.

Compare Prices:

Research and compare prices from other dental offices in your area. While quality is essential, you may find cost variations that could make treatment more affordable.

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) or Health Savings Accounts (HSAs):

If you have an FSA or HSA through your employer, these accounts can be used to pay for dental procedures like crowns with pre-tax dollars, providing some savings.


The cost of a dental crown without insurance can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of material used and additional procedures required. While it may seem daunting, there are options available to make dental crowns more affordable and accessible. Exploring payment plans and discount programs and discussing costs with your dental provider can help you navigate the financial aspect of dental crown procedures effectively.

Ready to address your dental needs or have questions about the cost of dental crowns? Book an appointment online with Clarksburg Dental Center in Germantown, MD, or call us at (301) 245-2217 for new patients and (301) 515-5525 for all other callers.


How much does a dental crown cost without insurance?

The cost of a dental crown without insurance can range from $1,100 to $1,300 on average, depending on factors such as material and additional procedures.

Are there any financial options available for dental crowns without insurance?

Options such as payment plans, dental discount plans, and negotiating costs with your dentist can help make dental crowns more affordable.

Can community health clinics or dental schools offer lower-cost options for dental crowns?

Community health clinics and dental schools often provide discounted or low-cost dental services, including crowns, as part of their programs.

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